In June 2015 was published the article “Ensuring energy efficient operation of the wastewater treatment facilities by the optimization of air supply to the aeration tank” in the magazine “Water Magazine”. The article was written by Vladimir Kim, CEO GSP-Project Ltd co-authored with Nikolay Bolshakov, Associate Professor, Ph.D., GSP-Project Ltd and Viktor Tatarkin, head of WTP “Sarapul Vodokanal MUE, Sarapul.
The article describes the method of improving the energy efficiency of the wastewater treatment facilities operation. A new method of calculating the air flow rate for aeration is suggested. The stages of improving the efficiency of air supply to the wastewater treatment facilities are considered: the selection of biological treatment technology, aeration system upgrade, control of aerating air supply and the use of adjustable air blowers for this purpose. The described approach of the optimization of air supply and the aeration tanks was used at the wastewater treatment facilities of “Sarapul Vodokanal” MUE of Sarapul city.
To read the article (in Russian)