Logotype Gsp Project

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At the end of September 2014, the GSP-Project Ltd awarded a contract for the supply of Sulzer’s turbocompressors for reconstruction project in a Gusev WWTP, Kaliningrad region.

For effective operation arranging of WWTP the nitri-denitrification technology has been implemented onsite and complex replacement of mixers, pumps and aeration system has been carried out.

The design of wastewater treatment plant reconstruction allows for replacement of basic technological equipment.

In 2014, GSP-Project Ltd signed the contract with Chita-vodokanal (Production department of water supply and sewerage) OJSC for replacement pumps on wastewater treatment plant.

In 2013, GSP-Project Ltd signed the contract for replacement pumps in Apatityvodokanal OJSC. In November 2013, five Sulzer pumps XFP300J were provided for installation in Apatity wastewater treatment plant №3.